Friday, November 16, 2012

Project #1

Baylie Pixton
4th hour
Digital Photography project!
These are instruction on how to take a picture with your camera and put it on your blog and to print it out and turn it in….
First you pick up your camera with your hands then you… Turn camera on and check battery and SD card…Then you walk around and you…Find an object to take a photo of…Then Choose the correct exposure to take the photo with and then….Zoom in/ zoom out but only if needed then you finally capture the picture and to make sure you got the picture you want take a couple extra pictures and then you turn camera off… then you walk over to the computer and carefully take the SD card out and plug it into the computer carefully and then you thoughtfully transfer the pictures to the computer and save them to your H drive… Select the pictures or picture you want to use for your assignment or project…then upload pictures to your blog and publish the page and print it out to print it out Press control P…Print the picture write your name on it and turn it into the black bin up front…. Then Mr. Williams will correct it and give you an A because you followed my amazing instructions on how to take a picture, transfer a picture, put a picture on your blog, and print out a picture, and turn it in.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Assignment #18

On two of the photos I used the rule of thirds and two of them also use the leading lines. I had to zoom in and out on each photo to make it just right.

Assignment #19

1. Give an example of when to use the following Lenses

· Wide Angle lens: If you want to take a picture of a wide photo
· Fisheye Lens: Gives 180 degrees of a picture
· Telephoto zoom lens: When you want to zoom in close
2. What is the mode that each of the following symbols stand for
· AV: Aperture priority mode
· TV: Shutter priority mode
· M: Manual mode
· P: Program mode
· Mountains: Landscape
· A symbol of a persons head: Portrait
3. What does ppi stand for and what is the ideal ppi for an 8X10 print? Dot of light on a photo, a million pixels per megapixels.
4. Define Shutter Speed and explain how a picture with a fast shutter speed is different from one with a shower shutter speed:
5. What does it mean to adjust the saturation of a photo? When would you adjust it?
6. List the steps for using the clone stamp tool.
7. What is a contact sheet?
8. Give an example of leading lines.
9. What is the cameras buffer and when would it be used?
10. What is the ideal resolution for e-mailing photos?
11. How many pixels are in a megapixel?
12. How can you draw a perfectly horizontal line in Photoshop?
13. What is the keyboard shortcut to undo a single step?
14. How does the amount of light affect the photo?
15. How and when do you create a new layer in Photoshop?
16. What does SLR stand for?
17. Name 5 things to consider when looking to buy a digital camera and list them from most important to least important.
18. What is the difference between digital and optical zoom and which one will provide a better photo?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Assignment #16

Explain three major difference between film cameras and digital cameras. The biggest reason the results look different is the highlights. A smaller reason is that film, especially larger format film used in landscape photography, has more resolution.Most people get better results with digital cameras.
Explain what opacity means in photoshop. It means how transparent the image is.
What happens when you push the shutter button on your camera down halfway? There is a delay between the time when you press the button and when the photo is actually taken.
What does it mean when you are using the Aperture Priority mode on your camera?  As you increase the size of your aperture (make the hole that you shoot through bigger) you let more light into your image sensor
Explain 6 modes of a camera and how they will be used. Portrait, Landscape, Action, AV, TV, P When you switch to portrait mode your camera will automatically select a large aperture (small number) which helps to keep your background out of focus. This mode is almost the exact opposite of portrait mode in that it sets the camera up with a small aperture (large number) to make sure as much of the scene you’re photographing will be in focus as possible. Sports mode attempts to freeze the action by increasing the shutter speed.This mode is really a semi-automatic (or semi-manual) mode where you choose the aperture and where your camera chooses the other settings (shutter speed, white balance, ISO etc) so as to ensure you have a well balanced exposure.Shutter priority is very similar to aperture priority mode but is the mode where you select a shutter speed and the camera then chooses all of the other settings. You would use this mode where you want to control over shutter speed.Program mode is similar to Auto but gives you a little more control over some other features including flash, white balance, ISO etc. Check your digital camera’s manual for how the Program mode differs from Automatic in your particular model.
Define how Red-eye happens in a photo The red-eye effect in photography is the common appearance of red pupils in color photographs of eyes. It occurs when using a photographic flash very close to the camera lens (as with most compact cameras), in ambient low light. The effect appears in the eyes of humans and animals that have tapetum lucidum.
Define Pixelization Pixelization (British English, pixelisation) is any technique used in editing images or video, whereby an image is blurred by displaying part or all of it at a markedly lower resolution. It is primarily used for censorship. The effect is a standard graphics filter, available in all but the most basic bitmap graphics editors
Explain 2 major difference between DSLR and point and shoot cameras. Using an SLR, what you see through the viewfinder is what you get; using a point and shoot, what you see through the viewfinder is…almost what you get.
What does on-camera direct flash do for photos. A flash is a device used in photography producing a flash of artificial light (typically 1/1000 to 1/200 of a second) at a color temperature of about 5500 K to help illuminate a scene. A major purpose of a flash is to illuminate a dark scene. Other uses are capturing quickly moving objects or changing the quality of light. Flash refers either to the flash of light itself or to the electronic flash unit discharging the light. Most current flash units are electronic, having evolved from single-use flashbulbs and flammable powders. Modern cameras often activate flash units automatically.
What is the most common file format for photographic images? JPG
How do you determine the faster shutter speed? A camera's shutter determines when the camera sensor will be open or closed to incoming light from the camera lens. The shutter speed specifically refers to how long this light is permitted to enter the camera
. With digital cameras, the best way to find out is to just experiment and look at the results on your camera's rear LCD screen (at full zoom).
When was the digital camera invented? 1969  What else happened that year? Moon landing
What is a histogram and how is it used in photography? When the light shows in the color
Name three types of digital memory cards. sd md dd
Explain Dodging and burning tools in Photoshop brightening and darkening color
Explain in your own words the Rule of Thirds When the object lines up with the lines
Explain when you would use Continuous shooting mode (burst mode). Take picture after picture fast
Name three selection tools used in Photoshop. blemish lassoe clone stamp tool
What is a major concept you feel is on this worksheet and I have not covered in class. You are A-OK!

Assignment #20

These are three fantastic photos because i took them. JUST KIDDING! They're fantastic because they are all different and are not centered. The pictures are interesting too.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Dear Bailey,

You really need to stop leaving your blogger profile open. because then i can get on here and post stuff like this....


     Riley :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Assignment #14

 Originals: There is the rule of thirds the leading lines and an off set one.