Photography project!
These are
instruction on how to take a picture with your camera and put it on your blog
and to print it out and turn it in….
First you
pick up your camera with your hands then you… Turn camera on and check battery
and SD card…Then you walk around and you…Find an object to take a photo of…Then
Choose the correct exposure to take the photo with and then….Zoom in/ zoom out
but only if needed then you finally capture the picture and to make sure you
got the picture you want take a couple extra pictures and then you turn camera
off… then you walk over to the computer and carefully take the SD card out and
plug it into the computer carefully and then you thoughtfully transfer the
pictures to the computer and save them to your H drive… Select the pictures or
picture you want to use for your assignment or project…then upload pictures to
your blog and publish the page and print it out to print it out Press control
P…Print the picture write your name on it and turn it into the black bin up front….
Then Mr. Williams will correct it and give you an A because you followed my
amazing instructions on how to take a picture, transfer a picture, put a
picture on your blog, and print out a picture, and turn it in.